Bouncin' Round the Room
Hey there,
and Kittens!
Come, listen to the tales of our dumb lives.
Our Dumb Lives
Welcome, and congratulations! You've found the website for TMPGoTI. Now pat yourself on the back. Unless your arm doesn't bend that way. In which case, pat someone else on the back instead.
Hey there,
and Kittens!
Come, listen to the tales of our dumb lives.
Happy New Year! Happy New Decade!
I got this episode published in (almost) two weeks! Go Sassy!
Ladies and Gentlemen: Due to technical difficulties, the intro was cut short, and so we take you now to a meat raffle story in progress. Oh, and I say - I did look up the origin of meat raffles. It’s leftover - no pun intended - from WWII . To this day, meat raffles are still the cat’s pajamas in bars and pubs in the Midwestern United States. If you go with your friends, and if you win some meat, they will cheer you on like you’ve won the World Cup, or like you’re Sally Fields winning an Oscar. “You love me, you really love me!
Just another night at Island Bunker-T, drinking and telling yarns
We’re back!
We had so much fun drinking Cupcake Black Forest Wine, while discussing the important things in life like men using power tools, the first couple eps of Game of Thrones, and spring cleaning. Enjoy!
Here at the frozen tundra of Island Bunker T, we’ve gotten through the winter and decided to record a little catch-up session.
Tara gets a surprise indoor waterfall.
Sassy embarks on a new adventure of event planning.
WARNING: You’ll learn more about Cassandra in this episode than you really want to know.
This month Cassandra, in the style of Mortified, reads through her sexual coming of age from her junior high and high school journals. It’s a bit self indulgent, but we hope you find it funny and enlightening. :)
Also, you’ll get a review of Return of the Jedi from 1983!
Dust Covered Diary
by Dick Robertson; Bob Miller
Merry Christmas again! Here’s your second gift!
As a special treat, at the end of this episode, is my gamer version of Santa Baby from 2010. It’s not tooo out of date. lol wants to remind you that in the next year:
Hope you’re having a wonderful holiday season. See you in 2019!
For the first time in recording history, Tara and I finish a whole bottle of spirits in one sitting. That honey whiskey just goes down too smooth!
The truth is, neither of us remember what the hell we talked about in this episode. Can you let us know if we embarrass ourselves?
I wonder if how I look back on my youth today, is similar to how my parents looked back on their youth. Perhaps we all see our memories through the grainy filter of time. In this episode, we discuss funky old shows we loved, and things take a turn as we move on to sexuality and views of sexuality over the past several decades. Then we get to bullying, and things get real. Really real. Perhaps this is what happens when we podcast sober. In going back over the edit, I couldn't help but recall how I began to replay memories in my head from those days. I know we've come a long way, but most can agree, we still have a long way to go.
Tara got her classic car! Now she can be the Sweetheart of the Supermarket Set! :D
Sassy got laid off! But don't worry, she has a new job she'll be starting soon and has spent her time off drawing Harry Potter stuff. Good times!
Saddle Your Blues to a Wild Mustang
Mound City Blue Blowers
Y'know...Tara is way better than me at writing witty and interesting things for you to read. I'm sure you will enjoy our ramblings this month, though. We talk about data and the younger generation posting stuff and podcasts we like and games we're playing. Also, we like butts. Well, I do, anyway.
Here in the land of the frozen tundra, Mother Nature has not seen fit to give us any respite from the winter cold on Island Bunker T. What else can one do, except snuggle inside, play video games, talk, and dream of spring flowers and summer breezes?
Maybe, I could help thing of a few things, like incorrectly remembering the Wizard of Oz. Admitting to never being at the House on the Rock. Sharing these moments with your best friend.
Here is our Valentine to hour of us babbling about our dumb lives!
The great thing about Martinis: they loosen the inhibitions of the mind. The scary thing about Martinis: they loosen the inhibitions of the mind. We discuss the games we play, donating your stuff to people who need it, the world of current events, the difference of our generation and our parents generation and our Christmas experiences as children. We also have awesome listener questions this week, which causes us to break into song.
It's Martini time!
Gil Girard! Tara met Gil Girard! That's all you really need to know, although we also cover Crypticon fun. first kisses, Stranger Things 2, party rooms, Force Awakens vs Rogue One, nakedness, and much more!
We're back in the saddle, baby! It's like there was never a break in the action. We now return to you, in a new location of Island Bunker T.
Things get freaky as we escape to our own little realm. Won't you please join us this week as we discuss Cosplay, Cheshire cats, driveway surprises and other tidbits of living on the EastSide. Handy tips like how to handle people who are tweaking in line at the pharmacy, and share in our Zombie Apocalypse plans.